Single-use packaging: scientific studies help to challenge misconceptions

Seda welcomes the solid scientific evidences of two renowned publications showing how single-use packaging provides significant advantages compared to re-usable ones: hygiene and convenience, health and safety, trusted branding and environmental sustainability.

The first study, the LCA study conducted by Ramboll and released by the European Paper Packaging Association (EPPA) reveals the numerous advantages of single-use paper products for some key impact categories - Particulate Matter Formation, Fossil depletion, Freshwater consumption, and Climate change - when compared to reusable tableware for in-store dining in Quick Service Restaurants (QSR).

The McDowell Report is focused on highlighting the numerous food hygiene challenges in replacing single-use food service ware with reusable items warning about the great potential of cross-contamination reusable items could bring.

paolo altieri AA
visual & communication designer

Seda joins Comieco Paper Week and announces new partnership with McDonald’s