Seda joins Comieco Paper Week and announces new partnership with McDonald’s

On Friday 16th of April, we have joined McDonald’s and Glovo at a roundtable event organized by Comieco, the National Consortium for packaging recovery and recycling, in occasion of the Paper Week.

The online event was organized to discuss how 2020 has changed the relationship between packaging and restaurant industries, as take away and delivery became daily habits worldwide. This has highlighted the importance of involving and educating consumers on the correct packaging recycling best practices.

In this scenario, we also announced our latest partnership with McDonald’s and Comieco to support the over 600 McDonald’s restaurants in Italy to adopt 90% of paper-based packaging!

As a company, ae are very happy to be driving such a great initiative that will contribute massively to raising awareness among our customers on the importance of sustainable packaging.


paolo altieri AA
visual & communication designer

Single-use packaging: scientific studies help to challenge misconceptions


Seda becomes a EUROPEN member